Grafen visualisere data over arealer og renoveringsudgifter, der giver overblik og beslutningsgrundlag for politisk opbakning til at arbejde prioriteret og målstyret med vedligehold.
Cirklernes størrelse repræsenterer det samlede areal af bygninger i den pågældende vedligeholdelseskategori. (Man kan skifte mellem areal og mio. kr.)
Det blå bånd illustrerer en målsætning for kommunens ejendommes kvalitetsniveau. Den røde stiplede linje målsætning for dårligste bygningsdel.
Med vedligeholdelses- og arealoptimering kan midler til vedligeholdelse frigøres ved at vedligeholdelsestunge ejendomme afvikles, og at der foretages den nødvendige forbyggende vedligehold, før der opstår følgeskader.
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Videnskabelig artikel om DR's strategiske tilgang til sourcing
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The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into strategic sourcing concerning facilities management (FM) and how it
can contribute to a sourcing decision that combines the benefits of internal and external provision with consideration of business risk and cost.
The paper investigates a strategic sourcing and procurement process in a large public organisation in Denmark
based on participating in internal meetings, a workshop, document studies and interviews.
The process is compared to a new ISO standard with guidance on strategic sourcing and development of FM agreements.
A problem in the new ISO standard is that it is based on sequential model starting with detailing the demand and needs before
investigating sourcing option.
The case shows that the way needs are specified are depending on the chosen sourcing models.
Based on a thorough analysis, the organisation decided to change the sourcing strategy with insourcing the most critical building-related
activities and changing the procurement strategy from one integrated FM contract to three bundled and seven single-service contracts.
The concept of right-sourcing is discussed.
Per Anker Jensen, (2017) "Strategic sourcing and procurement of facilities management services", Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, Vol. 10 Issue: 2, pp.138-158,